TPOV RECON.HLP Recon.HLP not found Unexpected end of file reading is not a valid help file.Insufficient memory space to popup HELP window HELP window intialization error U CANNOT AGE to itself, AGEing NOT DONE BATCH MODE: NO CHANGES in "INSUFFICENT disk space to process U (forwarded) To: U ROOT$.$$$ REPLY$.$$$U forum: section: = Lookup/enter CompuServe UserID + UserID LIST Send message to yourself?+enter CompuServe UserID or search string SYSOP INTERNET FAX;properly formatted CompuServe UserID not found, use anyway? ;$";" character not allowed in subject forum: EASYPLEX MAIL section: Message Sections To: U SEND message REPLY$.$$$&PAUSE reply (and retain partial draft)BMessage TOO LONG: can't load "REPLY$.$$$" file, aborting edit ...U CATSCAN.LOG ## Recon: U adding to USERID.CIS ... USERID.CISU &;E5}. FORUM: LIB: file: Libraries SCA /DES/LONG DL BRO/LONG DOW /PROTO:B SCA/DES/LONG/KEY:U =` |3 REPLY$.$$$ #: 900000 S /Outbox (Recon) REP % Receipt Requested copy written to U ####### O&;UIu &;EGt FM MAIL To:+enter CompuServe UserID or search string,NO CompuServe UserID in address, use anyway? DELete Board message DELete Do it REA NUM M MESS;DEL FM Board To:+enter CompuServe UserID or search string ALL,NO CompuServe UserID in address, use anyway? send as NEW NEW slot SAME slot send as PRIVATE DELete Board message DELete Do it REA NUM T MESS;DEL CHAnge to section: Sections sorting subjects ... subject: THREAD Subject list ;$";" character not allowed in subject Do it REA NUM set HOLD REA NUM sending: CompuServe MAIL REQUEST receipt no receipt FORUM/public formatting: allow REformatting PRESERVE formatU sending: CompuServe MAIL receipt: no receipt REQUEST receipt FORUM/public FORUM/private forward to CompuServe MAIL formatting: PRESERVE format allow REformattingU SEND message REPLY message SEND as directed /ex?text "FORMATTING" may be lost, disable CompuServe REformatting? REPLY$.$$$6"REPLY$.$$$ file not found, CANNOT generate a message. DISCARD this replyU ROOT$.$$$ REPLY$.$$$U Recon *Auto*Reg* ( L;7I would like to register my copy of Recon (tm) version .FBill my credit card as listed below for $49.00 Cdn (approx $36+$6 US),=to cover the registration fee and shipping & handling charge. exp: (name as on card)@I understand that this charge will be listed as "Recon Software"to cover the registration fee and shipping & handling charges. credit card type: (VISA, AMEX) credit card #: expiry date: (MMYY) your name: (as it appears on the card) address line 1: address line 2: address line 3: address line 4: (must be filled in) @I understand that this charge will be listed as "Recon Software"JHJWJhJ K,K@KXK8LeLuL M.M?M[MfMkM O"O,O6ODOTOcOsO}O P P-P2P7PMPWPaPiPnPsP~P Q%Q2QCQHQMQXQ]QpQ R R%R8RLRTRYR^RqR S!S&S9S>SCSNSSS^ScSnSsSpX Y"Y,Y;YOYcYwY Z!Z?ZbZ ['[;[][ \?\]\ ]:]N]d] ^*^5^E^ _$_3_M_R_a_ `*`@`J`X` a#a6aUacaxa b1bNbcbmb B RECON [filespec] [/P:] [/Q] [/NOBAK] [/NODCHECK] J [/EXT:xxx] [/COLOR:###] [/MONO] [/EMSOVR] [/NPH] [/TZADJ:###]I [/B [/A] [/ALLFOR] [/TAGE:###] [/MAGE:###] [/DEL] ] [/ANN:x]C For quick help, just start Recon in interactive mode andA call up the hypertext HELP *index* by pressing [F1] twice.G To run Recon interactively, just type RECON at the commandE line. To have Recon immediately load a specific file, include? the filename as the first parameter on the command line.F The Q, NOBAK and NODCHECK parameters are intended only toD temporarily override the defaults that are set interactively.F The A, ALLFOR, TAGE, MAGE, DEL and ANN parameters are onlyE used for "BATCH" mode, use /B to force BATCH mode operation. Y9WARNING: ppend/overwrite msg IS NOT SET TO Append ( EASYPLEX setting " " thread as " " ... Cannot find " .TM*" " thread NOT FOUNDU removing ! marks in TAPCIS .MSGU box to U *.BOX " syntax error NOCLX NEWID EMSOVR NOBAK XFORCE NODCHECK ALLFOR TZADJ NOEMS COLOR EMSFORCE EXT:" parameter argument must be numeric, and in range 0..127!" parameter requires an argument<" parameter argument must be numeric, and in range -23..+23 " invalid parameter for /ANN&" parameter does not take an argument," parameter not valid unless /B specified3FILESPEC must be EXPLICITLY specified when using " " parameter%" parameter argument must be numeric #" ERROR, only one filespec allowed " parameter not recognizedU !Recon (tm), Copyright 1989-1991 is ASP Shareware.EShareware is "try before you buy" software, and it is based on trust.GYou are welcome to try out this fully functional program without chargeIfor a trial period, but if you find this program of value and continue toHuse it you MUST REGISTER your copy, registration is $36.00 US (+$6 s/h).BTo register forward your name, address, Compuserve UserID and your!check or money order made out to , to: 217 Terrace Hill Street#Brantford, Ontario, CANADA N3R 1G8@Or you can register by Visa or American Express credit card. This is DAY # of your 21 day free trial period.*Your 21 day free trial period has EXPIRED!U RECON2.set RECON2.SET RECON.SET RECON2.$$$ GLOBAL SNAPOFF STICKY DCHECK QUIET THREADAGEDAYS MESSAGEAGEDAYS MCSORT THREADSORT CHRONOSORT THREADSBYDATE THREADSBYSUBJ FILEAGESIZE GROUPSECT BACKUP SCROLL DELETEAGED EXPERTMODE CONFIRMMODE NEWFILTER ALLOWREFORMATTING $FORUM OUTBOX SYSOP STRICTSECTSORT CMAILRECEIPT HIDEBOX CLEANANN MSGFILE SAVFILE CATSCANPATH RECONEDIT1 RECONEDIT2 OVERLAP * syntax ERROR: " Recon2.SET syntax ERROR: ( section) "U RECON2.PCK RECON.PCK CANNOT create U RECON2.DAT UserID changed to %, make the same change in TAPCIS, NOWU RECON2.DAT CANNOT write to U RECON2.DAT RECON.DAT Error in " " file format OS:recon *** UNREGISTERED *** TAPCIS.LOCU PARAMS.CIS tappath " not found, use /P: tmkpath NOBAK NODCHECK DVREPLY xforce emsforce allfor NOCLX *.MSG *.SAV % * 4 9 K P U g l q % 5 E U e u !%!5!E!U!e!u! "("M"X"b" #.#@#K#U#x# $!$5$@$J$[$u$ $/%:%D%e%y% )!)5)E)U)Z)d)s) *$*)*3*B*]*b*k*p* *)+k+ /%///>/T/d/n/}/ 0!0&0+0F0j0t0 1>1M1n1 2*2:2J2Z2j2z2 3*3:3J3Z3j3 6C6M6b6 777F7g7~7 8#838C8S8c8s8 9#939C9S9c9 =Y=d=n=v={= >*>/>:>?>P>]>b>s>x> ?1?;?@?T?^?m?~? ?,@W@ A-BHBYBpB B/CFCVC`CoC C8D=DNDVDaDfD E+E:E?EqEyE ERFfFpF G$G)G:GBGqG{G H"H'H/HGH`HeH H0IDIII]IbIzI JIJ\JzJ K:KeK L,L1L6LALFLVLdLRMgM N"N0NCNRNpNuN O2O7OEOZOhO Q4QIQ\QoQ R8RLRcRzR R S+S?S T+TETmT U+U@U]UgU * Recon v2.0 SETTINGS file0* This is a straight text file that you can0* freely edit to change the settings' defaults>* Blank lines and lines beginning with a "*" are ignored,8* leading/trailing spaces and case are not significantU $forum= HIDEBOX=ON HIDEBOX=OFF cleanANN=ON cleanANN=OFF deleteAGED=ON deleteAGED=OFF OUTBOX=OFF OUTBOX=MSGfile OUTBOX=SAVfile threadAGEdays= messageAGEdays= fileAGEsize= THREADsort=ON CHRONOsort=ON MCsort=ON MCsort=OFF THREADSbyDATE=ON THREADSbySUBJ=ON GROUPsect=OFF GROUPsect=ON STRICTsectSORT=ON STRICTsectSORT=OFFU $forum=GLOBAL SYSOP=ON CatScanPATH= ReconEDIT1= ReconEDIT2= scroll=LINE scroll=OVERLAP scroll=PAGE SNAPOFF=ON STICKY=ON DCHECK=ON DCHECK=OFF QUIET=ON QUIET=OFF BACKUP=OFF BACKUP=ON EXPERTmode=ON CONFIRMmode=ON NEWfilter=ON NEWfilter=OFF CMailReceipt=ON CMailReceipt=OFF allowREformatting=ON allowREformatting=OFFU ?* Forum-specific settings should be listed below, start eachG* section with a $forum=FORUMNAME parameter. Most of the View/Send>* and Sort parameters are supported for forum specific use.U $FORUMU $FORUMU RECON2.SET RECONSET.$RK GLOBALU RECON2.SHL 0 DOS Shell CANNOT create TAPCIS TAPCIS.EXE ($REXT$) TAPMARK.EXE TapMark TAPPET.EXE TappeT CATSCAN.EXE CatScan <- menu option name - - path/filename/parameters ...U $REXT$ 235959U 235959U 235959U 235959U ABORTEDU &;E3}? &;E3}4 &;E3~ &;E3} ####### THREAD Message Edit Subject sorting subjects ... current subject: change subject to: THREAD Subject list RENAME Subject as indicatedU ####### $Edit ALL MARKED messages' Subjects sorting subjects ... +WARNING, this may scramble thread structure assign subject as: THREAD Subject list *assign this Subject to ALL MARKED messagesU Edit in reply to # current number: ###### change to number: !change in reply to # as indicated ####### O&;UIu &;EGu Edit message # current number: ###### change to number: change message # as indicated O&;UEu &;ECu Goto THREAD Subject sorting subjects ... Goto NEW Subject: 0 Kb 160 Kb -error- Status user: current PARAMS: tapcis storage: load/EMS: indexed: loaded: date: forum: [TAPCIS .MSG file] [TAPCIS .SAV file] NEW messages: MARKed messages: messages for DELETION: TOTAL MESSAGES: Memory free conventional: ##### Kb installed: available: used for overlays: used for data: - EMS not found - --- MAX messages: #####U d=&;U |A&;E ####k U RECON2.PCKU (R) ' o ' Association of ' Shareware ' o Professionals ' MEMBER U Recon v Copyright 1989-1991 U #### of ####{NEW} of #### (####) FILE EMPTY ?DUP? U fm: U ####### altered ] RE####### ----- To: U O&;UIu &;EGt O&;UIu &;EGt FILE EMPTY [F1]Help [Enter]Jump INDEX for msgs) MARK " " THREAD for DELETION MARK this SECTION for DELETION FIXED ... continued % Message is Downloading to Rename downloaded file NEW file name:U &;E3| &;E3t &;E3| O&;E3u G ] b g u z G [ ` !!!T!Y!^! "#"P"U" #@#X#r# $.$3$R$u$ %6%Y%c% &@&X&r& ' '%'*'4'?'D'['o'~'}( )!)5)W)k)w) * *.*A*b*p* +.+F+ ,+,?,N,|- .;.E.Q._.}. 0.0B0t0 0)1.1I1h1p1u1z1 172Z2n2 444C4 595C5O5]5 8A8c8 9A9V9|9 :*:/:?:D:I:S:l:q: ; ;4;<;Y;m;u; <8@>E>J>[> ?2?h? BBBLB[BnBxB C2CGCQC`CsC}C D,D=DVDfDkD{D D*EVE}E F#F3F;FFFKFYFmFtF FEGLG]G GAHoH H!I JJJ J4KhK O/OCOWOkO P:PRP\PfPpP SYSaSuS}S U3UQUoU V*VEV`V{V V(W/W@W X[XlX Y+YCYaYjYxY Z6ZJZ [#[([=[T[_[m[ ]%]<]O]p]x] ^$^7^F^Y^r^ _&_W_ `$`,`;`K`U`_`n` a(a@aJa[a`aoa c c%c-c2c7cLc`cecmcrcwc d d%d6dKd g heh h5iXi j1jGjbjxj jKkck l1l=lOl[lmlyl m!m-m?mKm]mim{m n/n;nMnYn}n o!o2o7oAoPovo p"q4qeq s%sDsNsUsgsss t't9tEtWtctut u)u5uGuSueuqu v!w;w w5xKxYx^xkxzx y%y4yJyXy]yjyyy z'z8zOz`zwz {-{]{k{ }+}6}^}u}z} ~,~1~8~=~U ORIGIN:U "write to" filespecs *.THD *.SAV ORIGIN:U ALL MARKed messages AGED messages this message this SECTION " " THREAD [F10] for pick list filename: CANNOT append to current file write: this will be a new file, WRITE ? file already exists, APPEND ? APPENDING WRITING msg of #### msg U File Save rewrite: (backup to: WRITE FILE TO DISK SAVING FILE msg of #### msgs deleted: #### LNew= SThd= Root= {{N}} #### of #### {{Recon MEMO}} reply needed ORIGIN:U 235959U 235959U AGEing file, message count at: U 0 o 5 L b o y "3";"@"O"i" #>#C#]# ####U O&:E2}: O&:E2t ####U reconstructing MCS sort PASS 2 PASS 3 PASS 1 810101000000 completeU O&;UEu &;ECtj O&;U+t &;E)t O&;U/t &;E-t O&;UEu &;ECtj O&;U+t &;E)t O&;U/t &;E-t O&;UEu &;ECu &;U/t &;E-t 1 V clearing memory ... U Bad Character (FIXED) ASCII( ) "noise" found at position "^Z" found at position ORIGIN: Function: Action! Forum ! High message counter set to: * Repl There To: U $ OUT OF MEMORY, file load ABORTED >FILE LOAD ALGORITHM error, USE "/EMSFORCE" to load this file Connect send MESSAGE/FILE ... W send REPLY ... R DOWnload from LIB ... download DES only download FILE only download des AND file BROWSE for KEYWORD Scripts ... DELETE message on CIS read thread from ROOT REAd message NUMber REAd THRead from NUMber REAd SUBject DEselect ... AltR DEselect thread DEselect ONLY DEselect & Delete Thread reSELECT Advanced thread marks ... UserID list ... add Fm: UserID add To: UserID add Other UserID LOOKUP UserID SysOp ... CtlS Forward on Board Forward by mAil CHAnge sect/subj Hold ... set Hold ON set Hold OFF READ Held sysop DELETE CtlD Other Jump J Jump ROOT AltJ Tag message AltT Go Tagged AltG Goto Subject G Edit ... E Edit message subject THREAD subject all MARKED subjects message # in reply to # Print ... Shf[F7] Print FORM FEED this message this THREAD ONLY NEW messages all MARKed messages file INDEX display Index I Sort file ... ReSort file do it Help U ' ; O c w $ 0 a f r !H!M!Y!}! "5"S"X"]"i" ###/#`#e#q# $F$K$W$w$|$ %+%N%l%z% &D&h& (2(@(P(Z(_(}( ,#,/,T,Y,e, ,=-q-v- .K.P.\.|. /"/2/K/ 0:0%1;1F1r1w1 2$2@2E2T2p2u2 4 4.4=4Y4^4m4 5-5I5N5S5`5 D?DDD]DlD E,EHEME^E{E F)F8FTFYF G-G2GAG]GbGqG H"H1HMHRHaH}H I+I0I?I[I`IoI J J/JKJPJ_J{J K.K=KYK^KmK L#L2LNLSL~L M'M,M;MWM\MkM N!NLNQNjNyN N O%O*O/O4OCO_OdO P#P@PEPTPpPuP Q@QEQ^QmQ R-RIRNR]RyR~R S9S>SMSiSnS}S T9T>TMTiTnT}T U)U.U=UYU^UmU V#V2VTVYV W%WAWFWUWqWvW X1X6XEXaXfXkXzX Y#Y?YDYSYoYtY Z/Z4Z9ZHZdZiZ [&[B[G[r[w[ \#\2\N\S\b\~\ ],]1]@]\]a]p] ^!^&^Q^V^o^~^ _*_/_>_Z___d_s_ `8`=`L`h`m`|` a*aFaKa\aya~a b9b>bCbHbWbyb~b c"c1cMcRcac}c d$d@dEdTdpdud e>eCeiene fBfGf`fof g g%g4gPgUg h)h.h=hYh^hmh i7irCrRrnrsr s.sJsOs^szs t+t:tLtdt|t u$u